marketing is hard.
Let’s fix yours in an hour.

A lot of small business waste a lot of money on digital marketing. You don’t have to. Get your marketing healthy and effective with a marketing audit.

like having your own in-house
Marketing Consultant

YOu didn’t start a small business to worry about marketing.

Every week I run into somebody with questions about how to do their marketing. Most small business owners didn’t realize how much time marketing would take up! Instead of counseling men, shipping out tons of plastic, training medical staff, teaching third world countries how to farm, or redeeming neighborhoods (a sampling of my clients there), many small businesses hire me to be their marketing consultant.

Some companies have their own marketing team to do the work. Others only hire me for SEO or Web Design. Every company’s needs are different. The key is getting control of where your marketing is now, and what needs to happen next to meet your goals.

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Evansville, Indiana

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+1 (812) 618-4608


Should I be your marketing Consultant?

Maybe. Maybe not. Let’s talk about your problems and your goals to find your next move.

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