Please fill out as many of these questions you can. That will help me get a full picture of your website’s performance. If you don’t know the answers to any of these, don’t worry. We’ll figure it all out.

Fill in the address of the website you’re talking about here.
Who hosts your website? Godaddy, Hostgator, Bluehost, WP Engine, are all examples.
How is your website made? Is it on WordPress, Wix, Shopify?
How long has your current website design been live? Have you made any major changes recently?
How often do you update your website’s software? Do you have a regular schedule for this?
How often do you update the content of your website or publish new articles? Do you have a regular schedule?
Why are you filling this out?
Let me know how you heard about this form.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.